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Natural magick


Some simple spells to invoke love, peace and harmony into your life............


The use of candles..

Select a candle that is the appropriate colour for what you are trying to do, (see below for list!). The candle should be new, and never have been used for any other purpose. You could also have a small vial of anointing oil handy, (pure vegetable oil, sandalwood or pure olive oil), the use of the anointing oil is to impress your thoughts and wishes upon the candle. Before you start the ritual, get clear in your mind what your wish is and write it down upon a piece of new paper. Put this paper beneath the candlestick in which your candle burns. All other light in the room should be lowered and well shaded. Take a little of the anointing oil upon your fingers and gently rub it into the candle concentrating upon the idea of imbuing the candle with your thoughts and wishes. Do not just rub up and down, start from the centre and rub upwards and then from the centre downwards. Then put the candle in the candlestick, and light the candle. Sit quietly and concentrate upon your wish. Above all visualize the thing you want to happen.

When you feel that you have concentrated enough, take the slip of paper with your wish written on it, and burn it in the flame of the candle, all the time concentrating on your wish being fulfilled. Blow out the candle and wrap it in a piece of clean paper to use again. But remember you can only use that candle for working again on the same wish. For a different wish you must use a new candle.


Here is a list of colours in which candles can be bought, together with their meaning,

White-psychic development, dispelling of evil influences.

Red-life, vitality, changing your luck for the better.

Blue-healing, spiritual development, occult protection.

Green-fertlity, prosperity, gain of money.

Golden Yellow-intellectual development, strength of mind.

Pink-love friendship, happiness.

Purple-occult power, overcoming.

Orange-optimism, success.

Black-revenge, retribution.


Growing a lucky and magical garden.

Encourage the sweet scented things like lavender, rosemary, sage and thyme.

Health and Happiness

The Sun is a giver of life, strength and light. Sunflowers, St.Johs Wort, helitrope, the bay tree and bright golden yellow marigolds are all flowers of the sun, and have a healthy and cheerful influence in your garden.

Money Luck

For money luck, plant the things ruled by Jupiter. Lilac, honeysuckle and the almond tree.

Peace and Happiness and Love

Ruled by Venus, and mostly blue flowers. Try blue morning glory, forget-me-nots, love-ina-mist, and the blue periwinkle.

The Rose.

Emblems of love, try planting red and pink roses, and the more sweet scented the better.

The Moon

Most plants that are white in colour are ruled by the Moon, night-scented stocks, moon-daisies, white narcissi, white lilies and in particular the Madonna lily.



Geraniums, especially bright red ones, have an aura of strength and vitality, and will cheer you up when you are feeling low. Pink geraniums, especially the rose geranium, is lucky for love. The white ones encourage human fertility and the arrival of babies.

Cyclamen, is said to ward off bad dreams.

A Vase full of thistles is said to restore strength and vitality if one has been feeling low and depressed.


The Magic of Numbers.

How to reduce your name to a number..

Take your name, and translate it using the number and letter box below, use the name you were given at birth, or the name you are normally known as, and add up the numbers corresponding with the letters in your name.

            1     2      3      4     5      6     7      8      9

            a      b     c      d      e      f      g     h      i

            j       k     l      m     n      o     p     q       r

            s       t     u      v     w      x     y      z

Once you have added up your numbers, if you have a double number, then add it together to make a single number.i.e. If you get 26 as your final number add together 2+6 to get 8, then consult the following chart to get your name number definition,

1-a leader, dominant, active, strong-willed and sometimes self-centred, but with plenty of initiative and originality.

2-One who values friendship and sentiment, sometimes shy and lacking in resolution, fond of home life, domestic happiness and often gifted with psychic powers.

3-A lucky number, often happy go lucky, giving a cheerful rather bohemian influence, sometimes self-indulgent and extravagant.

4-Steady and reliable, loyal and hard working, but can be rather stubborn and unimaginative, practical, persistent and matter of fact.

5-Active and rather changeable influence, many talents and interests, unusual powers of the mind, but often marred by impatience, fond of travel and dislike to be tied down.

6-The number of harmony and beauty, cultured, artistic, and fond of luxury, sympathetic and peace loving.

7-A mystic number, idealistic and often misunderstood, thoughtful and self-possessed, can become loners but have reserves of inner strength. Sometimes psychic and intuitive.

8-Organized and material powers, conservative, sometimes stern and pessimistic, but solid, strong and high principled, cautious and careful.

9-great strength for good or ill, active, courageous and ambitious, but can be jealous and over-hasty, high spirited and fond of excitement.
