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Safer sex!


What is safer sex?


Well, safer sex isn't just about taking the pill or some other form of contraception to stop you getting pregnant, it's also about protecting yourself from disease.

There are many sexually transmitted diseases about, but the one that scares me the most is Chlamydia. I saw a documentary on TV about this silent disease that is spreading like wild fire. Having unprotected sex, can result in many vicious and nasty STD's, but not one is spreading as silently and quickly as chlamydia. It is passed from person to person via unprotected sex, it has no symptoms, and can render a woman infertile! Yikes! It can be treated, but left to fester it can cause problems galore!

If you feel you could be at risk, then get yourself tested. It's a simple examination, abit like a smear, and your doctor won't judge you or treat you like a whore! :) Or if you fancy the anonymous testing, then book an appointment at at a GU clinic at your local hospital, you don't have to use your real name, and will be given a number. How do I know all this, well a very good mate of mine, was diagnosed with chlamydia last year, she opted for the doctors, and was routinely scanned as part of a smear test. She was successfully treated, but the information they passed on, was frightening! They gave her a scenario:  "that guy/girl you just had unprotected sex with, could have had unprotected sex with 2 other people, those 2 other people could have sex with another 2 people, those 4 people by now, could have sex with another 2 people each......" you get the picture! Its not just that person, at that time you have to worry about-its the bigger picture! So my advice.................wear a bloody condom!



Birth Control


So what method of birth control are you using at present? Are you 100% happy with it? What is the failure rate? What are the side effects? Is your method of birth control suitable for you? What other methods are there? Well, if you click on the link above, you will find a comprehensive list of all the methods available, and basically as much information as you can possibly imagine to help you choose which method is right for you! Failing that, make an appointment at your doctors or local family planning clinic and talk to them about what you want.




According to the World Health Organisation........

At the end of 2001, an estimated 40 million people globally were living with HIV. In many parts of the developing world, the majority of new infections occurred in young adults, with young women especially vulnerable. About one-third of those currently living with HIV/AIDS are aged 15-24. Most of them do not know they carry the virus. Many millions more know nothing or too little about HIV to protect themselves against it.

What can you do about protecting yourself, or getting information relevant to you? Click on the banner above to gain access to information, ongoing campaigns and other useful sites to provide the information you need and want!





To the majority of people, pregnancy is a happy and welcome event, to be shared with loved ones and family. However to some, it brings fear and uncertainty. Most pregnancies are unplanned, and the outcome is a healthy and happy pregnancy, but to some women an unplanned pregnancy can feel like the end of the world.

If you find yourself in a situation you are unsure of, or unhappy with, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Their are people you can talk to in confidence and many sites on the net that can provide you with unbiased and helpful information. I just completed an essay into selective foetal reduction, and during my research I came across some great sites offering unbiased information, and also some less reputable sites offering a different ,and at times graphic  point of view.

If you need help or advice, please click on the link below and you will be transported to Marie stopes International. Here you will find comprehensive advice and support on a wide range of pregnancy matters and also other sexual health matters! 

Marie Stopes International

